In case you are a diabetic, you must definitely follow a healthy Diabetic diet plan. It is essential for you as it tells you what types of foods to eat and in what quantity during meals and as snacks.
A proper diet plan for diabetes helps you better control your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol, in addition to maintaining the proper weight. If you must lose weight or maintain your current weight, your meal plan can help.
People with diabetes should pay particular attention to make sure there is a balance between their food, insulin, and oral medications, and exercise, to help control their glucose level.
This sounds like a lot of work, but your doctor or nutritionist can help you create a meal plan that is right for you.
Below is a list of Bad Diet Choices with Diabetes:
Sugary foods:
It is essential for diabetics not to consume sugar or foods that contain a lot of sugar since they have a negative effect on glycemic control. Some of these foods are chocolate, candy, jam, honey, and ice cream, soda with sugar, alcohol, and cookies.
Foods with Sodium:
Food items that contain salt or sodium raise the level of blood pressure, causing hypertension, thus leading to cardiovascular disease. Bread, pizza, sausages, cheese, chips, and butter are some of the food items with a high level of salt, so it’s better you keep them out from your Diabetic diet plan.
Foods with fat:
These items can increase weight, cholesterol and can cause heart disease. Some examples are egg yolk, meat with a lot of fat, butter, etc. The fat used should be extra virgin olive oil.
Refined flour and bread:
These foods when they enter the body immediately turn into glucose in the blood, so they should be avoided. Rice, white bread, cookies, and pasta contain these elements.
All milk products that are not skimmed must be eliminated from the diet of diabetic people, such as margarine, yogurt, cheese, and cream.
Pasta and rice:
Pasta and rice (with the exception of whole grain) are processed foods that contain high levels of carbohydrates. The problem with these foods is not only that they increase sugar levels, but that, lacking fiber, it slows down the absorption of glucose even more. So the problem multiplies.
Flavored yogurts:
Yogurts with flavors, chiefly those which are made from fruit yogurts, may be low in fat but they are rich in sugar. In that question of what foods I cannot eat if I have diabetes, tasty yogurts are one of them because they will increase the levels of sugar in the body.
One of the most horrible complements for your morning food is cereals. Cereals are one of those foods that diabetic’s patients cannot eat as they are processed and their hydrate levels are very high. Keep away from cereals at breakfast. This will not only be good to stabilize blood sugar levels but also it can help regulate appetite.
Prepared coffee:
The coffee in the cafeterias or the coffee prepared in the supermarkets is not a good supporter of diabetes. This type of coffee contains high levels of liquid carbohydrates, which translates into an increase in blood glucose. In addition, this type of drinks will not satisfy our appetite.
Dried fruit:
Depending on the type of fresh fruit, it may already be food that diabetics cannot eat. In the case of dried fruit, it is one of the fruits for diabetics to avoid. The dried fruit has a large amount of carbohydrates, so there is no need for further discussion, they should be eaten.
Packaged snacks:
Snacks which contain refined flour are not good for the sugar patients. Intake of this type of diet will give rise to lots of health issues. Not only because it increases blood sugar, but because it does so at a speedy rate and in an uncontrolled way.
Chips is food which should be avoided by the sugar patients. They are a great source of sugar and so it’s necessary you maintain your distance from them. It is one of the foods which should not find place in your Diabetic Diet Plan because of the high level of carbohydrates.
Sugary drinks:
The Coca-Cola, the Fanta, or any other type of sugary drink aren’t considered best foods for diabetics and thus should be avoided completely. It is one of the foods that aren’t at all favorable for a diabetic as it works completely opposite to your diabetic diet plan.
Sweets or candies free of sugar:
Foods are sugar – free or sugar-free, they do not contain sugar but a high degree of carbohydrates and fats, which eventually the body converts into glucose and therefore you need to be careful with the consumption.
Energy drinks:
Energy drinks such as hydroelectrolytic or isotonic, help to replenish all the effort that the body has used during long exposure to physical exercise. These restore salts and liquids, combining water with carbohydrates in the form of sodium, maltodextrin, fructose, and They are similar to soft drinks, the only difference is that they are effective, because they are energizing and create a repetition of consumption.
Roasted fruits and vegetables:
There are some fruits for diabetics to avoid. These can be harmful to their health if consumed in excess, such as plantain, both ripe and cooked, carrots and potatoes. Eating potato chips can lead you to gain weight and raise the sugar in your blood.
French fries and donuts are very harmful food for people with type 2 diabetes as they are foods full of carbohydrates that cause blood sugar to rise. Fried food absorbs a lot of oil fat, leading to fried food in high-calorie foods. Tran’s fats raise your LDL cholesterol and increase the risk of having a heart problem. Many fried foods are high in trans-fat if they are fried in hydrogenated oils.
Some types of fruit:
Although fruits can be an ideal alternative for sweets, there are some exceptions which represent a risk to the health of the subject. These exceptions include all those fruits that contain a high percentage of sugar. Fruit juices: A juice is not equal to whole fruit. Although the juices are natural, when crushing them we are removing their fiber. So a fruit juice will only consist of water, sugars, vitamins, and minerals. The fiber of the fruit helps with the slow absorption of sugar in our body.
In its absence, the sugar of the fruit gets absorbed quickly by our body and affects the body in a drastic way. This is the main reason why a person with Type II Diabetes should avoid fruit juices.Let’s see some examples.
- Pineapple
- Fig
- The plum.
- Fruits of syrup. In general terms, fruits that are very ripe are not recommended for diabetics, since their sugar level increases.
Foods with high-fat content:
These foods represent a risk factor in terms of weight gain in an exaggerated way. Depending on the metabolism of the person the risk will be higher or lower. As we have seen previously, obesity is particularly dangerous for people with diabetes. Therefore, fatty foods should also be avoided; Some of these are the following:
- French fries (homemade or artificial).
- The artificial
- The meats with fries.
- The empanadas.
- Popcorn with butter. In general terms, fried foods, or meats with high-fat content, represent this risk for the diabetic.
Artificial sauces and the salts:
Artificially processed sauces usually contain chemical sweeteners that are particularly detrimental in the case of diabetes. Some others are processed with honey or some other ingredient with high levels of sugars in its composition, which is equally dangerous for the subject. Salty foods can also pose a risk to the diabetic. Ideally, eat the lightest possible salt, or even avoid salting some foods that already contain natural salts in their composition.
Processed meat and sausages:
Processed meat such as bacon and dried meat, as well as sausages are high in sodium, which greatly harms health and can worsen diabetes. In a study published in 2011 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was shown that those people who ate at least 3 ounces daily of this type of meat, had a 19% higher risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes. Similarly, people with diabetes with this type of diet had more problems controlling their blood glucose.
Foods that you should not consume in excess
– Sweets
– Refined sugar
– Honey
– Ice creams
– Chocolates
– Refreshments
– Creams
– Fried
– Fats
– Pasta
– Milk
Now you know a list of foods not fit for your Diabetic Diet Plan. Take note and do not endanger your health.
Final considerations:
People with diabetes can have a full life, in addition to enjoying meals with pleasure, as long as they comply with their diet and stay in control with the endocrinologist on a regular basis.
Currently, there are quite good treatment alternatives that can give the diabetic a greater comfort in terms of their treatment, such as insulin pumps, for example. As well, there are certain exercises for diabetes which are quite effective against the problem. Therefore, taking care of your health is fundamentally a matter of habits, and among them, you cannot miss those that have to do with being careful with what you eat.
We know, Diabetes is a health problem that occurs due to the gradual decline in the creation of the insulin in the pancreas. However, there are great many myths with diabetes amidst people. There are lots of misconceptions related to the correct type of food, quantity and factors behind its growth etc. Read about 15 Most Popular myths about type-2 Diabetes.
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